On behalf of SMU Academy, I am excited to work with PT Anchorage Group Indonesia on this Commodity and Trade Finance programme in Indonesia. I am confident this 4-session programme will provide value-added skills and knowledge to participants.
Participating in Blockchain Solution training program really opened my perspective regarding the blockchain practice in connection with the banking business. As we discussed several topics regarding the technical issues, we also emphasized on the legal aspects, as well as the compliance issues especially about privacy rights. All the trainers has extensive experience in their area hence still be able to give us clear understanding even though we are still new learners. I certainly had good experience learning from the experts.
Leni Mailani
Legal Team
Menurut Saya training (Blockchain Solution) selama 5 hari ini sangat bermanfaat dan sesuai dengan goals yang ingin dicapai untuk selalu update dengan perkembangan teknologi dan digital di Transaction Banking. Training ini bisa memberikan update yang dibutuhkan terutama pada perkembangan Teknologi Blockchain, Data Privasi dan juga terkait Legal. Jadi training ini sangat sesuai dengan apa yang kita butuhkan.
Muhammad Pangeran Riza
Structured Trade & Commodity Finance
Kesan selama mengikuti training ini(Blockchain Solution) mendapat banyak ilmu dan insight yang sangat bermanfaat dan berguna bagi pekerjaan Saya karena Blockchain merupakan hal baru dan ini dipasaran juga masih berkembang untuk teknologinya.
R. Herjuno Chondro Laksono
Integrated Processing System
Learning (Structured Trade and Commodity Finance) from the experts like Walter and Christopher is the best part that I like. in addition to that, I also gain an insight of the real problem that happened to the big trading houses as well as fraud that they have done. This become a lesson learnt for me, especially on the business side.
Agung Nugroho
Business Development Bank Mandiri Singapore
This course (Structured Trade and Commodity Finance) is great to expand the knowledge about various trade finance structure. I’m really happy to know the variations and the developments that going on in the regional area. I learn so many cases and how to mitigate the risk to avoid loses. Hopefully this course will help the bank to enhance its trade product to meet customer’s need.
Rizky Wijaya
Senior Legal Officer Corporate Banking
The understanding of new structure of risk assessment factors and its implementation, I was intrigued by the introduction of Warehouse Financing and Repo Transaction, including introduction of Collateral Management Agreement and SMA. Group participation helped the participants understand better about STFC Risk Assessment and new proposal of commodity trading financing and its structure that is still uncommon in Indonesia.
Alissa Amirah
Legal Corporate Banking
Fathan Faza Faudzan
Creative Social Media Intern
Selama Saya menjalani program magang di PT Anchorage Group Indonesia, Saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman berharga terutama di Divisi Kreatif Sosial Media. Pengalaman ini tidak hanya memperluas pengetahuan dalam dunia kreatif dan sosial media saja, tetapi juga memberikan Saya wawasan yang mendalam tentang industri ini. Dengan bantuan dari tim yang profesional dan kompeten membuat pengalaman magang Saya menjadi berkesan. Terima kasih Anchorage Indonesia atas kesempatan berharga ini.
Wei-Meng Lee
Trainer Blockchain Solution
Rajesh Sreenivasan
Trainer Blockchain Solution
Adi Mahfudz Wuhadji
Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Ketenagakerjaan Kadin Indonesia
Cary Chan
Deputy Director, Business Development
SMU Academy
Samantha Yohana Blessya
Nestle Indonesia
Juliana Sofhia Damu & Nining Musikarini
CLLB Indonesia
Anchorage Indonesia scales up the quality of executive learning in Indonesia through a series of sessions and seminars that lead to internationally-recognised certifications. We adopt a pragmatic approach in the learning process using real world case studies which are relevant to current business practices.
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Our Office
Sahid Sudirman Center , 56th Floor , Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86, Jakarta Pusat, 10220 adminsupport@anchorage-indonesia.com